Journées Nord-Ouest Européennes des Jeunes Chercheurs 2024

18th edition of the Journées Nord Ouest Européenes des Jeunes Chercheurs and Journées du GFP Section Grand Ouest at Mont Saint Aignan campus of University of Rouen Normandy from June 6th to 7th 2024.

This symposium is organized every years between Normandy, Hauts-de-France provinces, Bretagne and Centre Val de Loire and brings together actors of the chemists community (organic chemistry, polymer chemistry, chemistry of materials, medicinal chemistry, analitical chemistry) of our provinces and allow young chemists (master students, PhD students and postdoctoral fellows) to present their research work through an oral or poster communication. More than hundred chemists, experts in their respective spheres of activity are expected.

Four academic and industrial speakers will be on site for these two days. This symposium organized around four plenary lectures aims to unify our community of chemists and drives a dynamic between our universities. The remaining slots of communication are mainly reserved to young chemists (master students, PhD students and postdocs).

This symposium will give the opportunity to discuss about scientific topics promoting the establishment of collaborations between our provinces. On these two days, social activities are also planned with a gala diner.

Registration and applications for oral or poster communications are open. You can download the registration form and the abstract templates.



Official Poster

Key dates

February 1st, 2024

  • Registration opening date and abstract submission

May 20th, 2024

  • Deadline for oral communication submission

  • Deadline for poster communication submission

  • Closing date for registration


Provisional program

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